Friday, September 28, 2018

Happy weekend everyone! :)  

A number of things on the agenda for Friday September 28, 2018 and the upcoming week.

**Patterning Unit test Tuesday**

What to study? Grade 6:  Recursive patterns, pattern rules, graphing patterns, finding the next terms in a pattern, input/output numbers.

What to study? Grade 7:  Pattern rules, Pascal's Triangle, graphing patterns, finding the next terms in a pattern, finding terms as in the 40th or 50th terms, unit rates 

***Book reviews due Monday***  Please be ready to present on Monday.

French test on numbers 1-50 for both grades on Monday.

Art:  Complete harvest art for Monday.  If completed in class I have it.  Thank you.

Don't forget to choose a biography for the next book review.  This is due on Tuesday.

** A reminder that Science structure projects for Grade 7 and Science posters for Grade 6 are due tomorrow. **Field trip forms are due ...