Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Welcome back everyone from a long weekend.  Hope it was fun and relaxing!

I would like to welcome Miss Fontaine, our teacher candidate from the Faculty of Education who will be with us for the next three weeks.  She will be assisting with students and teaching in the afternoons starting next week.  

Homework for Tuesday October 9, 2018.

Literacy:  Get book review outline signed before Friday.

Mystery slide presentations will begin tomorrow.


Math: Grade 6: text pg. 44 # 1-8

Math: Grade 7: Text pg. 16 # 1, 6, 9, Reflect question. 

**Reminder that Diamonte poems are to be printed out for Thursday and handed in. **

Christmas Plant orders were sent home today!  We encourage you to support our school in this worthy fundraiser.  Orders are DUE on Monday October 29.

** A reminder that Science structure projects for Grade 7 and Science posters for Grade 6 are due tomorrow. **Field trip forms are due ...